Makes a fascinating comparison. Both are spoiled women brought up in great wealth who lose everything. Scarlett succeeds; Lily succumbs. Two compelling portraits of 2 different women in similar circumstances.
The difference is that Lily was mature and had scruples. She couldn’t bring herself to marry for just money even though she had several opportunities. Whereas Scarlett had no problem doing so. Nor did Scarlett care about social opinions.
The Wharton character that is akin to Scarlett (probably worse) is Undine Spragg.
Depends on how you understand maturity. Scarlett was selfish in many ways, but she was mature enough to see the world clearly and do what she needed to do to take care of herself and her family. As a consequence, she ultimately thrived despite having lost everything. In contrast, Lily was naive and lacked resourcefulness, & wound up destroyed. And how mature was she to run up thousands of dollars in gambling debts she couldn't pay?
Scarlett was selfish in many ways, but she was mature enough to see the world clearly and do what she needed to do to take care of herself and her family.
Agree. Scarlet was an interesting character and often appeared contradictory in nature, but she seemed to have continued to grow as time and the war changed her - in most ways for the better. She seemed to be a sociopath at times yet she would often sacrifice for her family. A true sociopath wouldn't concern herself with anyone. During her "s God as my witness" speech (while she was eating a carrot out of the dirt), she swore that she "nor any of my folks" would ever be hungry again.
Also, once she was on her feet after the war, Scarlett paid the expenses of her aunts Pauline and Eulalie in Charleston. She did have some selfless aspects to her.
She's a movie/TV sociopath that is supposed to be the protagonist. She was given some qualities to make the audience relate to her. Don Draper on mad men is the same.