MovieChat Forums > Jezebel (1938) Discussion > Jezebel - Hurricane Katrina similaritie...

Jezebel - Hurricane Katrina similarities.

Jezebel takes place in New Orleans in the 1850's.

Look at how the rich folks fled to higher ground when Yellow Jack hit. The poor and others were left behind.

Go now to 2005 -

Now look at Hurricane Katrina. The rich fled to safety while the poor, disabled stayed suffered through the chaos most died.



You are a monster. For anyone to be pleased with a disaster on a city is a monster. You are a disgrace.



I Was completely flabbergasted when I read the disgustingly, heartless comment that you replied to.

What is so mind-blowing about it is the fact that many people are actually of the same mindset, even though a lot of them wouldn't be ignorant enough to say it because they KNOW that it is totally jacked up way of thinking, they just can't help it, its the way that they are.

"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt."
Clarence Darrow


It was a thoughtless comment, I agree. Why are you so hateful toward Christians though? There is a word for it when you brand a group of people negatively based on the actions of one. It's called bigotry. Think about it.


Oh no, certainly not ariamne. I in NO WAY implied bigotry against Christians, I have enough personal faith and mental acuity not to ever do such a thing. I think that it is easy to misconstrue what someone means when they type something as opposed to speaking it.

What I meant was that a true Christian (one who honestly tries to walk the walk by the the example of Jesus Christ) would NEVER actually be GLAD for the loss of human life, no matter the circumstance.

Take Care, & Be Blessed.

"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt."
Clarence Darrow


"If you ask me, New Orleans was a zestpool of iniquity and I'm glad it was destroyed"

People lost their lives, and you're......happy. I'll bet you call yourself a Christian.

"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt."
Clarence Darrow"


cess·pool –noun
1. a cistern, well, or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or for receiving the sewage from a house.
2. any filthy receptacle or place.
3. any place of moral filth or immorality: a cesspool of iniquity.

I don't care to address the other comments...



Very well expressed sentiments. I hope the Christians feel put in their place.


No, not really. Most of the poor did not die, although far too many people did die. People died because they did not evacuate as they were told, and the local democratic politicians did nothing to save the eldery and disabled. The fact is, many people suffered because they decided to "ride it out" instead of adhering to the evacuation order. The "rich" people you refer to are simply the people that did evacuate and in doing so saved their and their families lives. Nothing wrong with that.


The people that stayed behind because they wanted to "ride it out" didn't necessarily do it out of choice. There were many cases of family members being too ill or infirm to leave and other family staying to be with them, people who had no way of leaving and nowhere else to go, people who didn't/couldn't leave their pets and those who found leaving incomprehensible, the lifelong residents who couldn't ever imagine that their beloved city and home would be flattened. Those "local democratic politicians" may have dropped the ball, but so did the Republican feds. Face it, lots of people screwed up very badly (it wasn't party driven)

And to the tool who wrote the post that sparked this discussion, the one that said:

"If you ask me, New Orleans was a zestpool of iniquity and I'm glad it was destroyed. Let's hope the newly built New Orleans will be much better"

I wish you understanding and enlightenment. After reading your insensitive heartless comment, my first thought was to wish you to die a horrible death, but that's neither ladylike nor the way I was brought up.

"To me you are the teacher in a Charlie Brown cartoon"


I love this movie and see the similarities that people are commenting on.
But all Christians should not be judged and put into one category based on one person's insensitive comments. All Christians DO NOT feel this way and anyone who thinks they do is narrow-minded and judgemental themselves. A true Christian felt pain for anyone who suffered in hurricane Katrina, yes it seems things could have/should have been done to prevent loss of life, but maybe most didn't expect the hurricane to really be that devastating. But whatever happened, doesn't mean the Christians felt happy about it.
