MovieChat Forums > Jezebel (1938) Discussion > Attempt to stop duel?

Attempt to stop duel?

I just watched Jezebel. I must have missed something, because I thought that after Brent and Fonda's brother had agreed to duel that Bette pled with Brent not to do it. Then she entered the following scene so casual, with her flower-picking, etc. Why was she not upset about the duel she tried to stop? And if she tried to talk Brent out of it, why did her aunt still feel Bette warranted being referred to as a Jezebel?


Brent was a man's man - he wasn't going to back out of a duel when he was defending the honor of a woman and he had promised to do so. If he had backed out, he would have been labeled a coward. I think Bette was so casual - just like Scarlett - laa-de-da - I won't worry about that now. She wanted to get the attention off of herself being so horrid as to cause the duel in the first place.


Thank you.


My cynical theory as to why the South lost the War-on the evidence of this film,their gentlemen had all shot each other already!I think Julie should've arranged for Buck and Ted to have blanks in their guns.


[–] marktayloruk 14 years ago

My cynical theory as to why the South lost the War-on the evidence of this film,their gentlemen had all shot each other already!I think Julie should've arranged for Buck and Ted to have blanks in their guns.

Oh my... How did I miss this comment so many years ago?! This is offically one of my favorite comments of all time on thei site! Thank you!!!🤣🤣🤣
