Same casting problem as GWTW, but worse.
In both films we're expected to believe this conniving belle can get her way with everyone, except this one man gets her panties all in a bunch.
Leslie Howard in GWTW was suspicious enough, but Howard's acting and demeanor conveyed a cool elegance that I could see a woman finding alluring.
But Julie in this film is even bolder than Scarlett, asp it's even more important that the man for whom she pines exude a smoldering charm and dignity that would make her heart skip a beat.
I've usually found Fonda overrated in the films in which I've seen him, but he is Really miscast in this one. I found his mamnerisms and facial expressions irritating--which I expected more from Davis., who was great. He seems more like the type a Julie or Scarlett type would chew and spit out rather unceremoniously. IMO, it really blows the story, especially given the ending.
"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns