The Title: A child-rearing theme that is unnecessary
Why does the title have this child-rearing theme in it. There is not a a single moment in the film where children, or bringing up children, becomes some kind of theme.
I know that baby is the name of the leopard,and that the title is supposed to be kind of jokey, but still.
I think they should have taken out the 'Bringin Up' phrase, and changed it for something else, something that has something to do with what happens in the film.
All titles convey something about the story. Imagine if THE GODFATHER was titled BILLY'S LEFT LEG, you'd say to yourself: 'What the hell does the title refer to from the film.
Here are some alternative titles that I've thought of: Fearing Baby, Loving Baby, The Heiress and the Paleontologist, Because I Went GAY All of a Sudden, Gay All of a Sudden