Loved this movie!

It's a wonderful little screwball comedy and Grant and Hepburn are just perfect in the leading roles. I rate it an 8.5/10.


You have good taste, IMHO.


Thanks. I assume you also liked it then?

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STARVE FIRST?!" - Humphrey Bogart, 'Dead End' (1937)


Finally someone with taste in good movies!
I just don't see how and why people are complaining about this movie!

"I have no memories I'm prepared to share with you."- Peter O'Toole


The movie has only one important fault, for me: it's too long.

Not the fault of the movie is that the sorts of gags it uses, and the specific kinds of reactions (including facial expressions and vocal mannerisms) that characters evince when they find themselves in incongruous and absurd situations have been copied so many times that looking at this movie once again, they can seem "old"---but of course they're not, or they were not to the same extent, when the film was made.

Possibly the fault of the movie: looked at very roughy and broadly, the movie has only one (kind of ) joke, and the whole film amounts to just a marvelous set of variations on a single theme, the same joke.

What is really overlooked by many or most people posting here and in the reviews here, is the unmatched quality of the script and in particular the dialog. Hepburn's stream of quips, for example. You have to actually think about each of them to really get it. A lot of her lines, and Grant's, do not involve slapstick at all; they are funny to think about, even right then, in the moment.

And as for Hepburn, who else could even have delivered her lines in that manner, pronouncing the words as fast as that and making them intelligible? One after another, bang, bang, bang. Zip, zip.

No one.

Hope that wasn't too long.


The film's under two hours, you ****-twit.


Another one who loves it. I don't get why people don't enjoy it for what it is. I always enjoyed Grant and Hepburn in comic roles and especially in screwball comedy.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


Hawks, Grant, Hepburn working with a Dudley Nichols script- it's perfect or very close to perfect. It is nearly the equal of Grant and Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday another Hawks movie with a Hecht script. "Friday" is perfect.



This movie is cute and funny and entertaining. My son is 11 and he loves to watch it. My daughter is 15 and she thinks it's funny too. Whenever someone tells me they don't like it I have to wonder what they would find funny.


True, that is refreshing to hear how some wonderful fans appreciate the classics for a nice change of pace on here.

This film represents Hepburn at her best and Grant in a fine comedic role, with a strong supporting cast which includes great talent all the way around, all wrapped into a fun and pleasant story.


I think it speaks convincingly to the subjectivity of humor, and the old adage that you cannot please everyone, that you have people taking the time to say that they did not find this gem of a film funny. It is in my top ten comedies along with;
The Producers, Dr Strangelove, Some Like it Hot, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Great Race, CaddyShack, Dirty Rotten Scondrels, Big Trouble and Grandmas no particular order and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.


I still marvel at the film's galvanic pace and energy, and the expert performances of Hepburn and Grant - great physical comedy!


It's definitely one of my favorite comedies.


It is the perfect screwball comedy and Grant and Hepburn are the perfect screwball comedy team!
