This movie shouldn't work...
A movie about a man who looks for his "precious bone" while a rich spoiled brat is trying to lure him in. Throw in a leopard, a psychiatrist and an absent minded sherrif and you'll think this could only mean disaster. It's odd that this movie works so well.
The first time I saw this movie it was a coloured version. Little did I know that the photography was indeed wonderful, but what would expect from the great Russell Metty? I loved it the first time I saw it. But why? It must be the mad cap situations, the adoring cast ensemble and the allegorical nature of it all. Some people say that the movie is about nothing and is just slapstick and not even funny at that. I tend to disagree strongly for I see numerous allegorical segments, mainly referencing sexual interplay between the sexes. On the surface it might just look like a farce, but it realy has some wonderful and very humorous commentary on the battle between the sexes.
An absolute delight of a movie.