100 minutes of sheer torment.
Getting caught up on the movies of the 30s, 40s and 50s is usually very enjoyable. But every now and then there’s a revered classic that I end up having to force myself to watch through to the end, just so I can say I watched it through to the end. Most of that era’s movies hold up fine today, but if THIS film is what was considered funny in 1938, then verily I say I weep for the audiences of 1938. Bringing Up Baby is some of the most painfully and utterly forced situational comedy I’ve ever seen. Susan (Hepburn) is obviously supposed to be just so charming and charismatic, but she only comes off as infuriatingly annoying. Almost from the first moment she opens her mouth, I wanted to clock her with an intercostal clavicle. I don’t think it’s Hepburn’s fault. She’s usually delightful, so it must be the character. To a degree Susan IS charismatic, but so was Jesse Helms.
Cary Grant jumping up and down in a frilly robe going “I just went gay all of a sudden!” was about the only thing that was even vaguely interesting.