Hard to choose, but I will add one that has yet to be mentioned... I love the 'interrogation' scene. 'Mickey the Mouse' and 'Donald the Duck'. That whole scene cracks me up, plus knowing the actor playing the constable was the guy whom helped Katherine Hepburn with learning comedic timing. (learned this from Bob Dorian when he was still on AMC, before the commercials) I loved this movie so much when I first saw it as a teen. I remember I recorded it onto an audio cassette, b/c I didn't have a TV in my room, but I had a tape player, and I thought the dialogue was just too funny, I used to listen to it night after night, until the tape finally broke...LOL
--- According to Howard Hawks in the book, Hawks on Hawks by Joseph McBride, the director had some difficulty getting Hepburn to stop overacting during the early stages of production. "The great trouble is people trying to be funny," Hawks observed. "If they don't try to be funny, then they are funny. I couldn't do any good with her, so I went over to an actor who was a comic for the Ziegfeld Follies and everything, Walter Catlett, and said, "Walter, have you been watching Miss Hepburn?" He said, "Yeah." "Do you know what she's doing?" "Yeah." And I said, "Will you tell her?" He said, "No." "Well," I said, supposing she asks you to tell her?" "Well then, I'd have to tell her." So I went over to Kate, and I said, "We're not getting along too well on this thing. I'm not getting through to you, but there's a man here who I think could. Do you want to talk to him?" She came back from talking with him and said, "Howard, hire that guy and keep him around here for several weeks, because I need him." And from that time on, she knew how to play comedy better, which is just to read lines." ---