MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Discussion > What is the most memorable part of this ...

What is the most memorable part of this film to you?

For me it's when Robin and his gang are (unknowingly) escorting a disguised King Richard towards the end... This line in particular:

King Richard: "You condemn the holy crusades?"
Robin Hood: "Oh, I'll condemn anything that leaves the rule of England in the hands of outlaws, like me."

Then King Richard gives that "look" at Robin... They don't make 'em like this anymore

Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.



The most memorable image to me is when Robin makes his escape and then cuts the rope to close the gate and hangs onto the rope to get to the top of the wall. A terrific stunt.

I also was wowed by the swordfight scene between Robin and Gisborn when the duel goes out of the picture, but we see their shadows against the tower until they are back in the picture a few seconds later.


Robin's first escape from the castle,and the reveal of King Richard.


The welcome to Sherwood Malady scene. It's just perfect wit him swinging in on the rope. I love when he says, What Sir Guy, no greeting from you? I have that whole scene memorized

The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind. -Humphrey Bogart


Robin splitting the arrow. Clearly showing that this man has more bravado than your average town.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


When Richard reveals his identity, and the whole of the greenwood drops onto one knee.


All of the above.


The whole thing. No part strikes me more than another.


Yeah the whole thing! Every scene was as good as the last.



True! but if I had to name one scene that I looked forward to as a child, and that I loved more than anything else, I think it would be Robin's visit to the castle with that deer on his shoulders.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Yes, sir! And Korngold's music -- just right there and throughout Robin's escape.


For me, when I think of Robin Hood & Errol Flynn, it's the famous bit where he swings on a vine onto a tree branch & says, "Welcome to Sherwood!"; they even used the clip in a bugs bunny cartoon that was being a 'Robin' Parody...


Me too. Korngold's music is a great help there, too, as it is throughout.



Olivia's beautiful costumes.


All of the above. I couldn't pick a favorite scene if my life depended upon it. But I can add to the list. The meeting/fight with Little John. ("There's a lusty infant!") and Robin and Sir guy having one of the best sword fights on film, up and down the staircase in the great hall.

There are also two brief moments that, for some reason, just really do it for me. One is when Much is about to ride off to danger and asks Bess to see him off with a kiss. She kisses him, then gives him a slap, then when he turns away, she grabs him and tells him to be careful.

The other is when Sir Guy confronts Maid Marian in her chamber as she's writing the warning note. He toys with her, guessing that she's hidden the letter in the box, and finally in one swift movement he throws open the box and grabs the letter as she tries to grab it first and misses. It's nothing special; you're waiting for it from the first moment of the scene. Yet something about the fluidity of the motion, the neatness of it, always reminds me that I'm watching two seasoned professionals.


The memorable parts occurred during any of the fight scenes where members of the good guys were able to pick up pieces of furniture that when dropped on their enemies felled them! How improbable but funny.

I liked the archery competition too not least because Olivia de Haviland was sporting the most beautiful dress and the camera kept moving between her and the archers.

I'm not trying to break your heart,
I'm just trying hard not to fall apart


Being a romantic I love when Robin hears Maid Marian talking and hearing that she loves him.

Clark Kent + Lois Lane 4ever
DC Can Suck It


I most enjoyed the scenes between Marian and Robin; like when he comes to her chambers to thank her for arranging his rescue. She tries to pretend she's not in love with him to convince him to leave. He pretends to be on his way taunting her until she admits her love and he comes back in. As they're kissing, Sir Guy almost catches them in the act.

How many times has that scene been repeated in Hollywood (and in real life) through the years?

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


The sword fight on the stair well that you only see in shadows. What a brilliant piece of film making.
