Instead of killing Snow White ...


(Sorry for my bad english)

The evil queen wants to kill Snow White for she is more beauty than her.

I think it would be more interesting, if she did not try to give her the poisoned apple, but give her that magic drink so that Snow White becomes an old ugly hag ... THAT would be fun to watch ^^


Yeah, then force Snow White to be a prisoner in the Queen's house who isn't allowed to leave.

then the animals find out and they run to let the dwarfs know, then it's up to them to find a way to reverse her spell.


Would have made more sense, yes. Or if she wanted to kill Snow White, why not give her poison which would actually kill her, instead of something which would only put her in a state of suspended animation? Bah!


That was only in Disney's version of the story. At any rate, here, the Queen expected the dwarfs to bury Snow White alive. Even more cruel, in my opinion.


The burying her alive thing (which would also lead to her suffocating) is way more twisted than turning Snow ugly through magic.

Also Snow never prized her beauty the way the queen did. I could easily imagine her getting over it and going back to making pies or whatever. The Queen wanted to utterly destroy her. Killing her (and doing it in a terrifying manner) makes way more sense.
