Lola Warriner

My favorite scene in "The Awful Truth" is when Irene Dunne shows up at Cary Grant's girlfriend's house pretending to be his sister, Lola. I love her bad southern accent, her take on Grant's story about his father playing football at Princeton " Pop loved Princeton. He was there nearly 20 years. If ever a man loved a place, he did. He just adored it. And he certainly kept it looking beautiful. You've seen the grounds of course?", and the song she sings at the end. Just hilarious.


Lol yeah it's so funny. Dunne acting like Lola and the family reaction is funny. I also think when Dunne and Grant is in the car and the cops were another funny scene.


I agree that that's one of the funniest scenes in cinema history-- but that's not really a fake accent. Dunne was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and lived there until she moved to Southern Indiana on the Kentucky border when she was 11. She had the usual elocution lessons that everyone got in school back then, to try to sound like someone from the New England elite, and that's how she usually spoke in her films, but when she uses the rural accent, she's not faking.


It always seemed to me she was doing a quasi Katherine Hepburn kind of voice at times, with the cooing and nasal "How do you do" to everyone.


I was also getting a Katherine Hepburn vibe from her put-on voice, but it's charming, as Hepburn was.
