Animal Wrangling

I was curious about who was in charge of animals for this film, especially since a cat gets his tail caught in a door. The person I watched it with said any harm to animals is probably not real.

"I didn't betray you--I put a stop to you."


The cat was "trained" by the infamous Bert Sprott.

He is believed to have caused death or misfortune to over 120 animals in his career .

He lived in a log cabin which he shared with a giant python and an Orange Marmoset.
He was also a renowned chef- cooked on many film sets and was renowned for his spicy sausages.


What dimwit 1930's writer thought it would add to the hilarity to see a dog and cat injured? Never mind. It was a rhetorical question.



The cat was "trained" by the infamous Bert Sprott.

Where can I find out about this guy? Google doesn't seem to be particularly helpful.



The scene in question(with the cat) is supposed to be funny, yet it is thoroughly distressing. We are supposed to believe the cat gets the tip of it's tail caught in the door but it looks like it's whole body is trapped to me.
The cat is clearly in some kind of pain/distress.

Not big, not clever and certainly not funny!!


That was a horrible scene. It made me sick to my stomach. I can't believe animal cruelty is condoned like that and considered "entertainment." People are sick.


I borrowed a copy of the film from a friend. As much as I admire the work of Douglas and Dunne, I had to turn it off after witnessing the animal cruelty. The director should have had his private parts clamped in a vise for allowing that to occur.


In 1939 two horses were killed in the filming of “Northwest Mounted Police” and two more in “Jesse James.” The horses in “Jesse James” were wearing movie blinkers with eyes painted on them. Unable to see, the horses had no idea they were running off a 75-foot cliff over white water until it was too late. The footage was impressive, the stuntman was well-paid, and the horses were dead.
The public was very upset with Hollywood's apparent cruelty to animals. Law makers began to write and pass laws to protect animals.
I would expect that the actors actually slammed the door on the cat's tail since there were no laws against it in 1936.
