Parallels to Present Day
DVR'ed this on TCM (my new favorite TV station) and watched it last night for the first time.
I was struck between the depression era dispair and some of the commentary I've been hearing on the news, from friends and family, etc. Some of the dialogue could have been said on the street yesterday. Two lines that come immediately to mind are at the beginning when the two gentlemen dining at the station are talking about stringing lines so that brokers from NY can call their clients in LA to tell them they're wiped out. The same gentleman later commented on saying goodbye to the republic, or something like that. I don't have the quotes on hand.
Economists may debate whether or not this recession will be akin to the Great Depression, but I think in the minds of the general populace, the feelings of doom and gloom are in the air...and as the Carpenters would say, "We've Only Just Begun..."
Happiness is not a potato... -Charlotte Bronte