Still making us laugh

I went to see Modern Times today in theaters despite having it on DVD at home and was just blow away by the amount of young children laughing and truly enjoying themselves! I hope these Chaplin films will be shown more often becasue they really are just as amusing and touching as when they were first released. Just thought to share this with the community becasue in my age bracket im really the only person I know who watches older films just as much as modern ones. I really want to set something up to try and get more young people to appreciate the real classics, I really cant explain why im so thrilled over this but I feel like everyone should try and get others to see these films. Am I alone?


No, you're definitely not alone, although it's correct that all too few are introduced to Chaplin's work and older films in general nowadays. I'm approaching 20 and Chaplin's been my hero since I was 8; recently I watched this film for probably the fifteenth time or so, and am just as touched and amused to the point where I crack up in laughter. It can be somewhat hard to introduce younger audiences to his films now, paradoxically you might say with the wide video technology; even though I was far from alive back in the 60's and 70's, it is my impression that older movies were shown more regularly on TV back then, and as there were fewer channels to choose from and, above all, no home computers to play with, I'd assume that it fell more naturally to seek out whatever was on, making kids more patient to try out new things than now, when they can pretty much watch whatever they desire on whatever hour.

In any case, I have myself been trying to introduce younger people to the numerous great films of the past, and am pleasantly surprised to discover how positive the majority of reactions tend to be. So there IS definitely hope, although it's not always easy to believe in.


We've just gotten into Chaplin films and ironically will be watching Modern Times this weekend. I've seen it before and it is my #1 or #2 Chaplin film
(the other being City Lights). Our family adores the Little Tramp! It's worth seeing on the big screen (that's where we saw City Lights).


I've seen The Great Dictator,Modern Times,City Lights and The Kid and it is not very often I laugh so much! So much better than the comedies nowadays


I'm 54, seen it a bunch of times and still love to watch it.
