Get Thee Behind Me, S*!*!
I'm surprised this isn't mentioned under alternate versions or anything, but several times when "Follow the fleet" has been shown on British T.V. (certainly over the last 20 or so years) the song "Get Thee Behind Me, Satan" has been edited to remove the word Satan!
Get thee behind me -----
I want to resist
But the moon is low and I cant say no...
...He promised to wait
But I wont appear and he may come here
----- he's at my gate
Get thee behind me
Was this done in the 30's when the film first released (in Briton only?) and has remained so in most versions shown on TV over here (I remember at least once when the full version was shown).
More importantly is the edited version in the BRITISH REGION 2 D.V.D. releases.
P.S. Looks like we're finally getting a region 2 release of Roberta!