I'm not happy about ... - SPOILER ALERT
I enjoyed this movie a lot but there are some things that bother me. I know it's a movie but I didn't like Bake's dirty tricks. Even when someone's intentions are good they can't just go around sabotaging other people's plans in order to control them. It's not right and it sends the wrong message.
When he sets up Bildge to steer him away from Mrs. Manning I was really ticked off. I wasn't a fan of hers but if that's the kind of woman he wanted to be with, it was his choice. When he ended up with Connie in the end, it made her seem desperate; him like a big dope; and their relationship an exploitative sham. It seems like he went back to her by default and because of her ship.
I liked Connie and thought she deserved better than a guy who treated her so badly. He's the one who had set up their date then he stood her up so he could have sex with the Manning woman. Later he lies about it, showing there's no remorse. If he didn't want to date her, that was fine but he should have been forthcoming. He said it's because she was getting too serious. Deciding to marry her later seemed really opportunistic on his part.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]