MovieChat Forums > Tarzan and His Mate (1934) Discussion > Which Tarzan movie was it... 'X' tree ex...

Which Tarzan movie was it... 'X' tree execution

I'm browsing through the Tarzan titles and hoping to find a reference to something I saw in one of them, long ago, when I was a kid, that still haunts me today! It was a scene with a tribe of natives meting out punishment in the form of tying off two trees into an "X", tying a persons arms and legs, each to one of the four points of the "X" and then the natives cut the ropes that held the trees down, allowing them to snap back into upright position - AND rip the hapless soul apart physically.

I think also, this same movie had a similar situation where the natives were using a tree near a cliff's edge, again tied down so that it was bent over, and then putting another hapless victim in the tree, cutting the ropes, resulting in the victim being flung off the cliff by this tree catapult.

Does anyone else remember these scenes???? and know which Tarzan movie they were from???


I believe the first time that this punishment was meted out was in Tarzan Escapes.

I don't take the movies seriously and anyone who does is in for a headache


Thank you! I shall pick up Tarzan Escapes and see!


It was also used in TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE.

The tree catapult was used in that same movie to hurl Cheetah over a gorge so he could bring Tarzan a vine by which to get back across.


It's Tarzan Escapes. I'm watching that scene on DVD right now. X Tree execution at 1h:19m

I also remember seeing this as a boy and the image haunted me for a long time. Now of course you want to just fast-forward to it =)
