Great Film (Potential Spoiler)
This film had some themes that are just as prevalent now as they were back in the 1930s. People always want what they can't have, and don't want what they do have. Or as they said in the film, "one person always loves and the other is the loved." This drew great similarities between contemporary times and the depression era. I really felt disdain for Mildred; her acting was superb to generate such feelings in a film.
One thing that irritated me though, was how often Philip was manipulated by Mildred , was hurt, yet always took her back.
I also felt they could have developed the relationships between Philip and his love interests more in that the story was based on a novel and the film ran only 90 minutes.
I empathized with the characters and was delighted with the end even though life is seldom resolved in a happy way, especially in relationships gone awry.