I'm watching it right now! I used to have this videotaped, but I'm not sure if I kept it over the years. There also was another film about children and teens during the Depression, the title of which slips my mind at the moment. They made an excellent mini-marathon! Perhaps I should see if I still have them.
This is as good as I remember, making me wish that I had taped it, just to be sure I do have it.
Isn't TCM a fantastic movie channel?! We have the wonderful lineup of Independent Film Channel, TCM and Fox Movie Channel. They certainly deliver some great selections.
P.S. I recall the other film: "Boy Slaves" about children and teens having to work on a turpentine farm. I don't recall what channel aired the two of these together. I think it might have been USA, which often ran obscure films in the wee hours of the morning, including the Robert (Bob) Emeneger sci fi films.
P.P.S. No wonder Frankie Darro was popular! I especially recall my maternal grandparents telling me about him.