I admire the youth of the past!
I don't think things are bad as they was in the depression BUT there are many people suffering in this country and to them, it's like the depression. I do think a lot of people put themselves in a depression living beyond their means also. I look at the youth in this movie and I was in awe of how mature and responsible they were, more so then the youth today. The youth today bellache and complain over the littliest things and they don't know hard life like the youth in this movie and even the youth in this movie wasn't bitching like the youth today. They gave up their "fun" to help support their families, something many youth today wouldn't do. If the future is going to get worse then I have pity and fear for our future because many youths today have no sense of responsibility or loyalty, they have a sense of entitlement like everything must be given to them, and their spoiled. I think what happen over time is parents wanted their children to have it better then them so they gave their children everything they wanted, let them be irresponsible, and that's why the youth today are so messed up. I was touched by how the characters of this movie so graciously gave up their lives, cars, and money to help their parents, today's youth sit around crying about how they can't get more things when their parents are in financial hardships. This movie is a classic but needs to be shown all over the world today because it has a strong message that even youth today could understand. I would like to see a remake, a rawer look at life on the road for youths today. So many in this country want to act like this country is the greatest when we have many problems going on that no one talks about for fear of tarnishing America's image. I believe we probably still do have boys and girls on the road now and life is probably rougher since they have no trains to sleep on and I would like to hear their stories, perhaps in a documentary.