The dinosaurs on the island
So man hunted the dinosaurs to extinction millions of years ago. How come the natives depicted on Skull Island never hunted those dinosaurs to extinction like the rest of the world did?
shareSo man hunted the dinosaurs to extinction millions of years ago. How come the natives depicted on Skull Island never hunted those dinosaurs to extinction like the rest of the world did?
shareThat would be because the rest of the world's dinosaurs were hunted by people with the technology of Atlantis and Mu. The Skull Islanders were a lost, isolated pocket of humanity who had lost the technology of their forefathers--probably the descendants of shipwrecked Muvian tourists around the time of the worldwide apocalypse. By that time there were probably only dinosaurs in parks and isolated wilderness preserves anyway and ordinary folks would be helpless to deal with them away from their power crystals and Vril generators.
shareI didn't know that. Thanks
share That is not how science works, give me a break. It's actually because early alien settlers came here and then they hunted the dinosaurs to extinction, or so they thought. When the extinction meteor came, it didn't wipe out the dinosaurs so much as the aliens and all evidence of their existences. A small band of common workers managed to find the isolated island that escaped the fallout due to the unnatural weather conditions. Unbeknownst to them, some dinosaurs were there having escaped notice and therefore escaped being hunted to extinction. The workers had no technical knowledge, being the equivalent of janitors, so they devolved to the point of primitives, and ultimately ended up worshipping the dinosaurs.
Your theory has great merit. I will have to rethink this.