Almost 90 years old... audience reaction
I wonder did audiences back in the 30s 'believe' Kong was a real creature or could people understand it was a puppet?
When I asked the original question I did not mean to sound like King Kong the movie was a 'documentary', but that perhaps people believed that there was footage of this real creature that was put in the film, did some people actually believe that perhaps some of the interactions between the humans and Kong were a real animal?
In 1997's The Edge I totally believed that Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin were being attacked by a 10' bear in the middle of the wild, because it was a mixture of Bart The Bear and a fake one... I was really young when I saw this movie so the editing fooled me to believe that these actors were there with a bear.
I believe Jaws (1975) has some footage of a real shark for some shots, were people also convinced that the shark was real in the entirety of the movie or could they tell which was real and which was a mechanical shark?
That's why I asked if almost 90 years ago, without so many behind the scenes footage released to the general public, average person knowledge-idea of moviemaking, a handful of previous movies using these techniques, less exposure and access to media in general... were there audience members who believed that this creature really did exist and was perhaps used in parts of the film... since you can clearly see that there were different techniques used to bring Kong to life depending on the shots/what was required, etc.
I believe also that many people were fooled thinking The Blair Witch Project was also real.