Watched it again last night.
Love the film obviously but I always have to think that the scene in the cavern with the elasmosaur needn't be there. Its just a repeat of the T-rex fight and doesn't say anything that the T-rex scene didn't already tell us. Hindsite tells me it should have been scrapped as we very soon after get the pteranodon scene. Maybe they could have alternatively included a scene where Denham is chased through the jungle before he gets to the wall or has to duck out of the way and hide when encountering a big beastie. Don't get me wrong, I love the technical aspects of the elasmosaur scene but it's really just filler.
Another nitpick. I really dont like the use of the giant bust. It just doesn't fit and its a real flaw in the movie in my view. The puppet model's head looks much more chilling, for example when we see Kong's face outside the skyscraper window. The full size bust looks comical in comparison.