How is it that......

How is it that Kong could climb the Empire State Building, but a 50 foot wall was able to contain him on Skull Island?


Kong is too short to reach the top of the wall. Yes

There are no trees, hills, or piles of debris near enough to the wall for Kong to stand on and get a boost. Maybe, the natives might need to ensure that this remains true.

And it never occurs to Kong to build something to stand on and reach the top of the wall.

These three things appear to be possible within the context of the movie.

I wonder how it is that these creatures can live on an island that must be tiny relative to the animal population that it supports. Even further, that there seems to be one and only one Kong. How long has he lived and what happened to the others of his species?

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


Buildings have window ledges to help support Kong's climb. The wall had nothing to get a hold of. It is like trying to climb a bedroom wall in your house. You can't without some sort of support.


That would be especially true if the outer side of the wall was covered with stucco and/or plaster and polished smooth.

It might take a lot of work from time to time to keep the outer side of the wall smooth and unclimbible, and it would be dangerous for those who had to work on the same side of the wall as Kong and the dinosaurs, but it would be worth it for the tribe as a whole.

It is also possible that the main purpose of the wall is keeping the dinosaurs out and the native tribe believes that Kong is less dangerous and sacrificing a girl to Kong every now and then will keep him from wanting to climb the wall into their territory.

I always wondered if Kong was too heavy to climb NYC buildings. His hands and feet might simply rip apart the masonry of the window frames when he puts his weight on them.


I want to know how Denham could throw the exploding gas bomb at Kong, that pretty speedily knocks out the huge creature. Yet then all the people walk near immediately up to fallen Kong (who isn't very far away), and the gas has no effect, whatsoever, on any of them.


Maybe King breathed in and processed almost all the gas?

Not likely, I know, but I can think of no other explanation.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


And why is it that the natives built a giant door in the wall so Kong had something to break and enter?


More to the point; if the villagers built the wall to keep Kong out, why did they put in a door big enough for him to get through?


Easy explanation. KONG built the wall, and the door for his own use. The villagers were his tenants and he was their landlord. Rent? Female human once per year, preferably blonde.




Please consider putting the word spoiler in your headline. You just exposed a major plot detail here
