What is pig latin?

I thought she was singing it backwards? Or maybe I am just being stupid?


I can't believe no one has answered your question yet. I guess I'm older than I thought.

The easiest way to understand pig latin is to go here:


I'm sure you've heard two well-known pig latin words: ixnay and amscray. They're so well known that I didn't even realize they were pig latin until I read the Wikipedia article. But I always knew what they meant.


Great, thanks!
I actually had no idea what pig latin was...


Are there really people who've never heard of Pig Latin? When I was growing up, every child knew it. And children for countless generations before.

Next thing, you'll be saying you never heard of Double Dutch!

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


How do you say What is pig latin? in pig latin?

At-Whay si-ay ig-pay atin-lay?

O-say, ow-nay ou-yay ow-knay...


I know what Pig Latin is, but I too thought she was singing it backwards, and the camera zoomed in so close on her face, her face taking up my entire 42" TV while she sang, it looked kind of creepy, despite how beautiful she is!

I joked that it was like hearing devil messages hidden in the song, and her face was so close and so big that it was like she was staring into my soul! It was funny.

Why can't a heterosexual guy
Tell a heterosexual guy
That he thinks his booty is fly?


Don't forget Google has a pig latin interface:



I took two years of Pig Latin in High School because we were told it was going to be required in the future..
we studied the metric system too....
I could have taken more art instead.
Ohya ellwa.


I took two years of Pig Latin in High School because we were told it was going to be required in the future..

Were you thinking of becoming a pig doctor or a pig lawyer?

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


Is that scene with Ginger Rogers singing in Pig-Latin the strangest in cinema history? It is in my book...

The way the camera zooms up on her face is bizaare.

I DVR'd it from TCM; I had to rewind and watch it again at make sure what I was seeing and hearing.


My mother (God rest her soul) taught me Pig Latin as a child. She could speak it like it was her first language.
It's fun to watch "non-pig-latinos" trying to understand what you're saying.


i still don't get it, although i had heard of it.. i will say that now when i recall the song 'i'm in the money' and listen to it in my head as it were all i can hear is ginger singing it in pig latin...

i've danced with you, i'm never gonna dance again - Lucky to Penny in Swingtime 1936


When I was a kid in the '60s most kids still could talk pig latin. My mom taught it to me, and she grew up in the '30s. It's easy--just leave off the first letter, put it at the end, and add an a.
