Crazy Question...
Would Harpo Still be as Funny now if his name were Adolph?....
(!saw tI)
Would Adolf by so evil if his name were Harpo?
shareGood comeback ;-)
In any event it wouldn't make a lick of difference whatsoever, since Harpo was his stage name (as were Groucho et al).
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
To say that Harpo, Groucho, Chico, etc.. were their stage names is a little misleading. Of course they were not their real names, but once they acquired the names they stuck and the brothers used them exclusively. Very few people called them Adolph/Arthur, Julius or Leonard.
Je suis Marxiste, tendance Groucho
I, for one, admire the foresight of Harpo who changed his name from "Adolph" to "Arthur" a good 22 full years before Hitler took power!
Never a bullet was dodged that early!