Full information on the home video release of Deluge has been posted in another thread on this board (with the release date in the subject line) since November 23, 2016, and just updated. The release date of February 7, 2017 was announced three weeks ago. Nothing indefinite about it. Just look a little more closely at the board.
From: [email protected]
Date: 12/7/2016 13:19:45
Subject: Re: Where can I order Deluge (1933) ?
Thanks for the interest in Kino Lorber! "Deluge" is currently being released theatrically in several repertory screenings. A home video release would come along after these have winded down, so I would look for an announcement about this in the upcoming year.
Ramsey Furse
Office Manager
Kino Lorber, Inc.
333 West 39th Street Suite 503
212 629-6880
As an aside, someone should tell Mr. Furse to actually check out his company's own releases, since he doesn't appear to have known on December 7 that Kino had announced the date of the DVD and Blu releases two weeks earlier. They should also tell him that there is no such word as "winded", as in his phrase, "winded down".
Wound down, Ramsey. A guy who can't write proper English and doesn't know what his own company is doing as K-L's office manager. Brilliant.