
We should start a petition to get Universal to release a good dvd of this film. Its seems to me that the only reason why this film (along with Murders in the Rye Morgue) has been completely ignored is because there is no iconic monster in it. Universal have done a great job with their classic monsters legacy sets, but they really need to give this at least some form of release. Besides which, the KINO one is bloody expensive.


The recently released Region 2 edition from Network is, of course, forced to stick with the same dodgy print --the transfer is OK -- but it has an excellent commentary from Kim Newman, the great critic and horror writer. I highly recommend it.


Thanks for the advice, I'll check it's availability for someone in Australia!


I love Newman's commentary with Steve Jones on Mark of the Vampire, and would love to hear his take on this, but I can't play a region 2 DVD. Is his commentary on the region 1 version also, do you know?

Death is...whimsical today.



I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


The quality of the print itself seems to be considerably better on the KINO edition than the Network one. The sound is certainly much clearer. You gets what you pays for!


I'd love to see a restored version of this. I have the Network version, which is watchable, but not in great shape. It deserves a restoration.

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