"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", when it was released in 1931-1932, it was a hit success, as were Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy etc. All these got "timeless" sequels, but why this one didn't got a sequel? It's success was as big as the successes of all these films I mentioned, they had the money. A director and screenwriter would be easy to find.
Maybe a member of the Stevenson family didn't agree or something, but I think it might be because it is not easy to come up with a story idea that sequalizes this film: Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde cannot isn't immortal as Frankenstein's Monster is, he cannot come back from the dead like Kharis the mummy, using black magic or something to ressurrect him is a bit of unconvinsing and doesn't fit the atmosphere of the story. Having a different doctor testing the late Jekyll's experiment and turning to a Hyde-like maniac would be either boring or not original, and simply isn't a Jekyll-Hyde story but a rip-off. The mystery films The Son of Dr. Jekyll and Daughter of Dr. Jekyll from the 1950s attempt to sequelize Stevenson's novel, although baring important differences and are clearly not sequels to this film, although some inspiration from this film is noted in both.
So, why this film didn't get a sequel? Anyone know something?
P.S. Anyone can come up with an original idea for a supposed sequel for this film?