Barrymore Oscar

If Barrymore won a Oscar as best actor in a leading role for this film-was it in 1932?
There was a tie in 31' btwn March and Beery,so it couldnt be then.Unless IMDb is misraken and it should read supporting role-will check Barrymore bio for the year and award I guess


Ok....the movies all came out in 31',but I guess A Free Soul waa the only one eligible for that yrs Academy Awards.
Barrymore-best actor 1931
March and Beery tied in 1932


In the early years, the Oscars were like the Emmys, timed around the (then-nonexistent) TV season/schoolyear. So A Free Soul was 1930-31 and the others were 1931-32.


Yeah...thanks-I think I answered my own question
