Racist Movie - spoilers
Ultimately this is a very racist movie. The way they refer to, and talk about American Indians is awful. Worse than that, the way the young black kid was treated. Recall he got all dressed up to go to the church service, yet the whole town laughed at him. Yancy insists that he stay behind, don't go to church. He wasn't good enough is what Yancy thought, he was a joke. Then the young black kid gets shot, mortally, by the bad guys. We see him writhing in the gutter and Yancy struts by, not noticing him. It was just horrible. Also, let's not forget that Yancy is basically a jerk, a horse's ask. He gets a big reward for killing another bad hombre, and he just gives it up for no good reason, even though his family needs the money. If this film were made today, Irene Dunn would have poisoned him. Or at least sued Yancy for abandonment!