Little Caesar is gay?

There are lots of clues pointing to the fact that Rico is homesexual.

The 3 most obvious:

He hates 'dames'.

He favors Joe Masara.

The scene where Rico is trying on the tux; the tailor is in an obvious oral sex position.

lover of all B&W; especially film-noir



Thanks for the expert reply! Enjoyed it.

lover of all B&W; especially film-noir


lol. I watched the movie today on TV and thought the same thing. So while I was watching I guess my gaydar worked. hehe. I had been wanting to see it for some time and it finally came on TV! I'm gonna buy the DVD soon.

Anyway alot of scenes pointed to it and I was just sitting there wondering if he was. He very well might have been. Seems strange and naive to think that they'd put all those hints in there unknowingly.


Or maybe you just project your homosexual fantasies onto movies....


No. There are obvious homoerotic undertones in this film.


As the above posts show, there's no projection - it's there on the screen. The "tuxedo" scene is a perfect example. Look how Rico preens himself in the mirror before the fade; it looks like they actually cut a little early to get rid of some of it. One wonders how much of this Rico and Otero did on their own, and how much was directed.



"As the above posts show, there's no projection - it's there on the screen. The "tuxedo" scene is a perfect example."

Nope. The above posts don't "show" anything of the sort. They are one interpretation. Another interpretation is that neither Rico nor Otero are gay. Rico feels FRIENDSHIP toward Joe and Otero feels HERO WORSHIP toward Rico.

Neither the placement of Otero's head nor the look on his face are not prima facie evidence of any sort.


Preening in front of a mirror is a sure sign of being homosexual? Would you please grow up?

Please do not make negative comments about a film YOU NEVER SAW. It makes you look stupid.


good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The scene with Otero and Rico in bed together looked a little suspicious.

Nobody knows for sure what the intent here was but we know basic facts from the film that Rico never gets laid by a dame the entire film but he sure spends a lot of his time with guys.

The homo aspect can't just be blown off or ignored.


I can't believe that such pronouncements are still being made in the third millennium. Read your Freud! Read Vito Russo's *The Celluloid Closet.* Really.


I would have to agree...


Even if he was so what? It is still a great film. There are people who will pause each frame by frame in order to confirm their suspicions.Two guys talking on a bed, fully clothed does not always imply a gay relationship. Caesar had only one ambition, to be somebody, to gain respect and to rise above his station in life. To be beyond what he really was; an insignificant punk. Anything else was a distraction.

It is a lot more interesting to wonder why Little Caesar was the way he was then to think about whether he was gay or not.


"A number of writers including Jack Shadoian in Dreams and dead ends : the American gangster/crime film have mentioned that there is something definitely homoerotic about the Rico/Otero relationship"

It's NOT definitely homoerotic. If a straight man like myself can watch the film and not have the thought cross my mind that anyone's gay, and instead see it as friendship, then it's not definitely homoerotic.

Why does friendship between males in films always seem to elicit cries of "they're gay"??




I have seen this movie many times and noticed nothing that would indicate that Rico was gay. Hating dames does not make a person gay. Pehaps the guy fitting him for the tuxedo was gay, but that does not make Rico gay. So what if he loves Joe Masara, it does not mean he loves him in a sexual way. Next time I watch this I will looking for indications of Rico being gay, and maybe I will see it differently, but I doubt it.


Yeah- And as that tailor walks away and looks up admiringly at Rico as reflected in the mirror, it puts a different slant to his words "You're rising up in the world, Rico!" especially as you don't actually se Rico in the shot.


Who cares and I don't think he was. People today are so obsessed with sex. I think he loved his boyhood friend. It's not a sexual type of love people. You can hate women (look at feminist today..yuck) and not be gay. People are reading into things too much. I thought some of his mannerisms could be mistaken for that..but what does it matter. This movie isn't about someone's sexual orientation.


Having just joined this site (fantastic first impression by the way )I shall keep this brief . my comment is having read eddie g's autobiography/memoirs
all be it 10 years ago or so ,it was clear he was by no means an immoral man ,
I'd say verging on the asexual would be closer to home . His art collection
was his great hobby, which he amassed over four decades once his star rose at
Warners .The likes of Errol Flynn for one is reputed to have voiced his distaste at the thought of Robinson joining their elite boys club The Olympiads on the grounds of him being seen as boring & too serious. My main point is to say that Robinson himself would in no way have submitted to the scene with the tux if he were aware of any overt sexual connotation either expressed or implied.Its certainly an interest theory & worth noting .The writers may have used the "friendship" between the men to illustrate that in the criminal world you had to stick by your allies rigidly in order to survive as everyone else would be deemed the enemy


yeah i thought he was gay too. Doesnt change that he's still a badass mother *beep* he just happens to like to smoke more than cigars...

not that theres anything wrong with that


The scene where Rico is trying on the tux; the tailor is in an obvious oral sex position.

Though it's not quite as obvious as the scene in The Public Enemy, when Cagney gets his suit and the tailor is practically mincing.

*/\*Goonies never say die!*/\*


Mother of Mercy, is this the sore rear end of Rico?"



great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


we just live today in a homophobic world, we are all so into thinking everything is gay..

loved the movie saw it last night..


Nothing homophobic at all. A character in a movie does not like women and is never seen with a woman and spends all his time with other men.



Good spot - I think you're quite right.
