Federica Garcia Lorca

Do u think Dali and Bunuel meant offense to Lorca when they made this film?


all three were good friends, until luis discovered the homosexual relationship between fede and salvador.


I think you offended García Lorca calling him 'Federica'.
He was a male and his name was Federico.


It's just a typo. And the guy's dead, so i dont think i've offended anybody.


I don't think so.

What about Waltrina Whitman? Wilhelmina Faulkner? Frances L. Baum? Herminia Melville? Norma Mailer? Josephine Heller? Philipa Roth? Almost all of them are dead...

A) It's not a Typo: It's grammar's respect.

B) I don't want even imagine that you believe that someone who's dead doesn't deserves respect. And to refer to some male with a female name is very offensive.


Waltrina Whitman lol? I think ur being a little too dramatic. Like I said, it's just a typo. Relax.


Why is it very offensive?

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos


it's not...unless you're very homophobic.
