BFI DVD commentary

Has anybody listened to Robert Short's commentary for Un Chien Andalou?

My God, he gives new meaning to the word pretentious. I've never heard such nonsense in a commentary before.

There is also a 25 minute introduction that he gives as well, I gave up on it after 6 minutes. It was unbearable.

I'll usually watch all of the extras even on films I don't like because I might be able to get a different perspective on the film but listening to his drivel was torture.

I thought William Friedkin's commentaries were bad (he just describes what's on the screen) but this tripe is on a whole new level.


The commentary is actually pretty good, and it is not that hard to get into, since it covers the fairly obvious topics. Don't knock on it if you find it hard to understand. The problem may be you, not it. This is a film that challenges the viewer by going against conventions, and thus the viewer must have an open mind. Read some books with serious writings on film criticism, not "reviews" you find on newspapers or magazines. Short's commentary is on par with the kind of the analyses for serious viewers. For instance, he says the dismemberment of body parts shown in the film is an apt metaphor for the film's disjointed and disorienting nature. This is a valid interpretation that is hardly "pretentious".


No, I think you're the one with the problem; by assuming that anyone with the same opinion as you is a serious viewer and anyone who feels differently lacks understanding and has to go away and read some books.

My God, you need to listen to yourself.

