Is the smile possible?

Is it possible to carve someone's face into a mask of a smile and survive it?

Oh, what a big man you are! Hey let me buy you a pack of gum, I'll show you how to chew it


Sure -- haven't you ever seen Rachael Ray?



You can't just slash/carve it and expect it to make a big grin. The wound will heal and you'd simply have big ugly scars from the corners of your mouth (like Heath Ledger's Joker or Itchi the Killer...)

It would need a proper surgical process..pulling back skin and muscle..rather like a face achieve the effect of a proper big smile


My question was how the hell can you talk like that?


My question was how the hell can you talk like that?

you can''s virtually impossible to make any intelligable sounds with a mouth stretched in that it's just as well it's a silent film, eh?


Actually it would be far from impossible to talk like that. Stretch out your face and try to talk. Even without lips it wouldn't be very hard to speak or make easily understandable words. And it's possibe to live after nearly any facial mutilation just look up pictures of injured soldiers from the iraq war. I go to school with a young vet whose face was pretty much removed. He had to get most of his face replaced by skin from other parts of his body but he is definately alive and well.


It would be very difficult to make easily understandable words without lips. Try saying any word beginning with p, b, f, or m without using your lips or having them stretched out completely.


This was a practice in 17th century Europe by the "Comprachicos" who abducted children, deformed them in a number of different ways, and then sold them as circus attractions, or as "fools" in the courts of royalty. Horrible! Read up on it on Wikipedia.

