MovieChat Forums > The Unknown (1927) Discussion > Anyone know wher e i can buy this?

Anyone know wher e i can buy this?

I watched it a long time ago and i wish i could see it again. I told a friend about it and he has tried looking for it, but can't seem to find it anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?


twoer records, if there are any near you. but online is hebest place. (that's a search engine, but whatever) or


It's available on a kick ass collection from Turner Classic called "The Lon Chaney Collection". WELL worth hunting down. There's also a reconstruction of the lost film "London After Midnight" and a great documentary on Chaney's life, as well as including a few more of his best films.


I have seen this once on TCM & have not forgotten it since! This was an incredible film & I have looked for this for about 5 years now but have not found it! I'm from the Philippines, isn't there a way to download this? I don't even want to think of international shipping costs!

EDIT: I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT! I can't believe it! If anyone's interested but can't find a copy to buy, just pm me, it's free btw, I'll have to pm you the link.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


Just to add- 'NETFLIX' has this movie in a very clean transfer.


If Netflix had it, it's no longer availabe - believe me, I looked. Not listed under it's title, Chaney, Crawford, or Browning. I did suggest it to them though.


For anyone still interested, Netflix has it listed as "Lon Chaney: The Unknown"


Netflix now has it again.


it is on ebay


It's on tonight [actually Monday AM, 10/15/12] at 1:30am on TCM.
