I have news for IMDB. They say "Little Willie" is a midget, not a dwarf. Over the years I've worked with many "little people" and their consensus of opinion, as well as the experts is that all of them are technically dwarfs and that the term "midget" is more of a show term. I could go into detail here but there's no need to.
Growing up in the 50's,and visiting a number of sideshows,I learned that a midget was in perfect proportion to a regular person,almost doll like,where a dwarf was not,with there bigger heads,and irregular shaped body.
All I can say is that I worked with many little people and their combined opinions was that no matter the proportion they were all forms of dwarfism and the term "midget" was created most likely in the 19th century. I already explained this.The info I got was from the horse's mouths. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.
But, as the other individual stated, he is not a dwarf. Contrary to what other little people say, Little Willie was not a dwarf because he did not have a genetic mutation of the 4th chomosome that caused his short stature. You may indeed state that the term "Midget" should not be used as it has become an offensive word, however the correction should not be to change the term to dwarf because although that term may not be offensive, it would still be incorrect. In fairness, "little person" should be the term used for now, although as it happens, these type of terms change all the time based on offensiveness.
As an example, not that long ago the term "Indian" was considered offensive to individuals in North America. At that time "Native American" was the term to be used in reference to people who were native to North America. However, since then the term "native" has turned offensive and now the correct term is "American Indian" In accordance the reverse has occurred and "native" is now offensive while "Indian" when prefaced by "American" has become acceptable.
2. Granted, in this movie he is only referred to as Tweedledee and "The Kid", but in the remake he is referred to as Midge and The Midget multiple times, so perhaps the writer has seen both.
3. The most ironic part of your post is that you say "midget" is more of a show term. I'm not sure if you've actually seen the film or not, but based on his profession at the start of the film, it certainly makes sense to use the "show term."