FANGORIA listed it as being released on October 9th. Amazon confirmed it, but I didn't see it at Wal-Mart or Best Buy. Anybody see it at one of their local stores?
------------------------------------------ Remember that time I ate your family?
Your best bet is to order it online. It's unlikely that Wal-Mart would ever carry this and Best Buy seems to be sticking with more mainstream titles these days. It's a shame - the Best Buy here used to have a wonderful selection.
Thankfully, there is a catchphrase that makes everything okay - "Hey, it's the 21st century."
Wal-Mart probably wouldn't carry it as they don't carry any titles released by Image Entertainment (except for the Discovery Channel stuff that Image distributes). And Best Buy's selection recently has left something to be desired. It seems BB is focused primarily on new releases.
If you have a Fry's in your area, try there. Otherwise, FYE or Suncoast might be a good bet.
With you on that one. I was SO excited to get this, only to find that it appears to be a digi-tinted version of the same print Blackhawk sold. It may have been remastered in HD, but what that means is a high-def blizzard of scratches. Huge bummer. (There are a few beautifully clear scenes--same ones as in the Blackhawk print, hmmm...) And the "new symphonic score" is actually an assembled score from other sources, and not an inspiring one. Diehard Chaney-heads will notice that the title music is the same piece that was copped by MGM for the title music to the talkie Unholy Three!
All that said, it's a fascinating film, and Chaney's performance has to be one of the greatest ever committed to film. I can scarcely imagine the impact this must have had on audiences who first saw it in its nitrate-clear splendor.
And let's remember: IT WAS ALL LON'S IDEA, NOT THALBERG'S!!!
I agree, there doesnt seem to be any decent source material to make an exceptional dvd release but the IMAGE Ultimate Edition is still the best, nice extras also. Its an American Release but is a multi-region disc so will play anywhere in the world, good old Image!