MovieChat Forums > The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) Discussion > Why is this classified as a horror film?

Why is this classified as a horror film?

I can understand that Chaney's appearance is a bit disturbing for some at first and more scarier than other versions of the character's depiction but is that the only real reason? I don't see it as a horror film at all.

"Most movies I like are usually the hated ones..."


I have never heard or read that it is classified as a horror film. Whoever told you that is very wrong.

Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.


Back in the early sixties I bought,glued together and painted plastic monster models of whom The Quas was one featured. All of Chaney's stills were shown in copies of "Famous Monsters of Filmland" magazines of that era. When I was a kid the hunchback scared the crap out of me.


i got a gift from a friend who bought at target a few years back a 50 movie pack: horror classics. this is where i saw the film for the first time. maybe the special effects and make-up while also being a universal production such as the mummy or swamp thing


Yeah, it's definitely been classified as a horror film, though it's really far from a horror film. I think it was more of a historical, romance/drama picture.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."


It is in all my horror books like Videohound Horror Show and Terror on Tape, but I agree with the OP. It really isn't a horror movie.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


It's generally lumped in with silent era horror films due to the impact the film had on the subsequent Universal horror films. The same can be said for The Man Who Laughs. Also, the make-up effects probably have something to do with it, as well.


Literally, only because Chaney is in it. He's a horror icon, and this unfortunately eclipses the majority of his career (I'd call him a character star more than a horror actor... really, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and THE UNKNOWN are his only true horror films).
