
they should really make a remake and with todays techology, i bet it could be really good, any cast ideas?, and what director?,

im thinking johnny depp has hutter, maybe emily blunt has ellen, and maybe jackie earl haley has graf orlok, any other better ideas?



i knew they made remake back in 79, but they should make another one



No! No! They can't remake this. That would be a disaster. Why improve on something that doesn't need improving? Besides, no-one could play Hutter/Harker's part like Gustav von Wangenheim.


To be honest, I didn't like Gustav's performance. The extent that he overacted to made me cringe.

However I don't think Johnny Depp would be a good choice for the character. Depp usually portrays humorous characters, I don't think I'd be able to take him seriously in the part of Hutter.

Also, if they did make another remake, I would want them to keep the original character names, not using the Stoker names like in Phantom of the Night.


German Expressionism is as the name suggests "expressionist". Actors of that period over-acted and everyday life was exaggerated. That's what it was all about. Also, with it being a silent film, it's hard to get across what is going on, so expressions need to show it. Gustav's performance is supposed to be humorous, to contrast with the serious performance of Max Schreck as Orlok. And you can't just blame Gustav for over-acting. What about Greta Schroeder and Alexander Granach?


You make a good point. Also, I wasn't saying that Gustav's the only one who overacts. God, he was awful to watch, especially when he was laughing.



The only reason remakes happen (of course there are exceptions now and then, however this would not be one) is MONEY. To remake this would only be an insult to it. (Though I think that surely someone must be able to do something with a computer about the day-for-night bits...)


My favorite is the '79 Werner Herzog film. And it is REALLY a remake -- scene for scene. Maybe a few additional I think. It's been quite awhile.

Timmie, if you don't bring that rocketship back this instant, you'll get the spanking of your life!


The last remake (Klaus Kinski as Orlock) was horrible. You cannot get this atmosphere like in the original movie. And, by the way: we have enough "remakes" of good movies, they have destroyed the originals ...


Gary Oldman would be a great choice in my opinion !

Straight Edge is the only way to be free.



It was remade in 2000 "Shadow of the Vampire", starring John Malkovich as Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.

I rather watch a new film on Vlad the Impaler, the 1st true blood sucking vampire aka Dracula the Impaler.


Doug Jones/John Malkovich as Orlok
Cillian Murphy/Eddie Redmayne as Hutter
Natalie Portman/Jenna Coleman as Ellen (maybe she's too old, ok)
Christian Bale as Harding
Richard Wilson as Bulwer
Warwick Davis as Knock
