Please people, do NOT watch the crap Public Domain versions...
Please people, do NOT watch the bad Public Domain versions.
They have very bad faded image quality, are cut (many scenes are missing) and have totally unfitting crap music (some synthesized).
The restored editions from 2005 (SD, DVD) and 2013 (HD, Blu-ray) by F.W. Murnau Stiftung (KINO, Eureka - Masters of Cinema) are the way to go.
These editions have tinted and restored image (crisp and clean) and the newly recorded amazing original 1922 orchestra soundtrack by Hans Erdmann.
I hate it that so many young people watch the faded B/W copies with unfitting music and say: "This is a bad movie, old and garbage!"
They haven't seen the restored version and would see a totally different movie, beautifully remastered with the original intended music score.