MovieChat Forums > Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) Discussion > The Kino blu-ray is too jerky and unstea...

The Kino blu-ray is too jerky and unsteady

The older DVD's were never like this. I think it's from forcing the film to display at 30 frames per second. Does this bother anyone else?

No one in their right mind would ride on a buggy driven by Klaus Kinski.


That's why everybody should avoid it!

Apparently for their Blu-ray and 2013 DVD, KINO deletes every 8th frame, thus losing an overall 11% of the film!

Read more here:

-Rick Grimes


I'd much rather watch something with less resolution and a smooth/softer picture than something with more resolution, but with a jittery and choppy picture that ruins the experience.

No one in their right mind would ride on a buggy driven by Klaus Kinski.


Exactly. Plus, it's not like the extra resolution really helps the film that much in the first place. Looks fine on DVD (or even VHS).

-Rick Grimes


That's why I own the Eureka release.


They inserted black frames every 10-20 frames, accidently, that's why.
Throw the disc away, pure garbage. Get a Region free player if you can and buy the UK disc.
Way better + even more restored. Eureka cleaned up a few more dust dots and scratches.


Yes! Eureka's blu ray is the ONLY way to see this masterpiece! Kino seems to screw up more silent films with framing, frame rates. Eureka has proven they are the best when it comes to FW Murnau silent films (their Sunrise and City Girl are phenominal on blu ray!).
