How Do You Pronounce Mabuse?

I've been pronouncing it "Muh-byoo-zuh," but I'm about 97% certain that's wrong. Could anyone help me out? It'd be much appreciated!

Peter, is your social worker in that horse?


It's a bit hard to explain but it is basicly like this:


where the e in the last part (-se) is pronounced like the e in "the".


Thanks, I got The Testament of Dr. Mabuse from Netflix a few days after I posted this question, so since that one's a talkie I was able to hear the pronunciation. I wasn't too far off, I don't think! Mah-boo-za.

Peter, is your social worker in that horse?


Google translate has a pretty accurate "machine pronunciation". If you go to, set the language in the left box to German and type in Mabuse, you can click on the speaker icon below to listen to the text. Or simply follow this link and click the speaker icon:
