Intolerance: The Sequel

It has been announced, according to the Dark Horizons website:

"Meanwhile in more confirmed news on a thoroughly different project - The Arizona Daily Star reports that "City of God" Director Fernando Mierelles is now in pre-production for "The Constant Gardener" a drama about an English diplomat living in Kenya whose wife is murdered, as well as her suspected lover.

Following that film, which has an estimated 2005 release, Merielles will get to work on "Intolerance: The Sequel," a takeoff on D.W. Griffith's landmark silent film, "Intolerance" released way back in 1916. Merielles said his film will tell six ifferent stories in different parts of the world, and will show the relationships and dichotomies of the third world and the upper class. "I'm doing the sequel to Griffith, It's the story of mankind, and the timeline, of talking about human kind of geography happening to different people in different places"."


It won't be a sequel. According to screenwriter Braulio Mantovani (the same of COG) in a interview to the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo, Intolerance 2 was a joke that he and Meirelles made about their purposes and ambitions with the film and that Meirelles publicized. They haven't chose the name of the movie yet, so they are using this as an working title.

The only point in common is the title. While Griffith's story was about mankind along time, Meirelles' will be about the globalization process and how we are dealing with it (and surviving from it), in different regions.

Different people, from six different countries, each one speaking their native language, will live a common story and are all tied somehow to a international corporation whose name has not been defined yet and until now is known as "The Brand". There will be a poor young Brazilian who suddenly starts to live with middle class standards, a Chinese who makes her life in a subemployment and dreams of being a star, a couple of Kenian runners, a North American marketing employee, an islamic fundamentalist young terrorist and a young Arabian with occidental habits. "The Brand" sponsors the running track where the Kenians practices, organizes the videomaker contest that the Brazilian subscribes and buy products from the company where the Chinese works.

Personally, I believe this will be a great movie and maybe even become a landmark in the history of cinema. Since Intolerance was also a landmark, calling Meirelles' movie The Sequel may be not so worng...


Yes, you are correct.
“City of God” director, Fernando Meirelles, is making a new movie that, through the effects of globalization, unites the deeply personal stories of people from vastly different cultures.

Mr. Meirelles is an interesting person, focused, sure of himself, naively curious, not at all jaded & cynical, but quite down-to-earth, warm & compassionate. He conducted a Q&A after the screening of “The Constant Gardener” in Washington, DC last night. At the post-screening reception, Mr. Meirelles graciously made himself accessible to all the attendees. I believe everything he does is a raging success and I hope the lovely people of Venice accept “The Constant Gardener” in their festival!!
"The Constant Gardener" is a visually alive, emotionally moving film, not as ferocious as “City of God” but thought-provoking nonetheless.

-- Support Fernando Meirelles and his vision, pay to see his movies --
