Who is Georgia Pearce??
My name is Georgia Pearce ;) I am 22 years old and live in Manitoba,Canada. I have met 2 other Georgias in my life (one was a pharmasist and one worked at the gift shop at Disneyland):D Thats what you get having a different name. I was actually named from the Willy Nelson song 'Georgia on my Mind'. I never dreamed someone or even a character in a movie had the same exact name this is wonderful. So anyway...here I am at 12:35pm and I am still trying to figure it out?? Talbot played a character named Georgia Pearce??? I am wanting to purchase this movie but Im not finding anything other than 'Talbot A.k.a Georgia Pearce' Can someone please outline her character for me? tell me what this fictional Georgia was like? Please help me out!!! I thank-you in advance for any information you can give me. ~GP