i have the 177min version is there a longer version

i see theres difrent lenths of film but are they all the same or are they difrent cuts.
the version i have everything seems normal speed it runs avi at 2hrs 57 mins downloaded from the movie archive.

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star."Stephen Hawking


Because silent films were not always projected at the same speed, there is no "official" running time. The 2 hr 57 minute version sounds like the same source print used for the Image and Kino DVDs, which were as complete as any surviving copies of this film. There was a "restoration" by the Museum of Modern Art that featured still photos and even some outtakes to essentially "pad out" the running time of the film, but it has been pointed out that this hardly qualifies as a restoration, and while the film ran longer (208 minutes, I believe?), it could hardly be considered more complete or accurate to the original version.
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