2.5 hr version

I got a Westlake Entertainment version from Netflix, and it was about 150 minutes (give or take about 3 minutes).

Did they make 30 minutes worth of cuts? or did they speed up the frame rate? The picture was pretty bad, but cutting 30 minutes probably made me like the movie more, so I'm not really bitter.


150 Minutes is 2.5 Hours.

The Battle may be over, But the War has only Just Begun.


Um... thanks ?

I know 150 mins is 2.5 hours. My question is, what did they cut from the 3-hour version to get it down to 2.5 hrs?


I'm currently watching that DVD right now. There is a very noticeable cut about an hour and 23 minutes into the movie. It's during one of the scenes with the nobles, it's in the middle of a scene and then cuts right to an interlude title card that compares the stories to eachother. I've never seen the full version, but from what I can tell, anything that happens between the end of the scene at 1:23:00 and the title card isn't on that DVD.

