Brief Nudity in the Babylon story

I have the Alpha Home Entertainment DVD. The picture constantly got bright and dark through out the entire movie. Because of that I couldn't tell if some of the scenes (during the Babylon segment) showed some brief nudity. It look like there was, but it could have just been the poor contrast. I know it's pre-code and (therefore) possible, but does anyone know if some scenes showed topless actresses?

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”


There might have been some nudity. I know in Orphans of the Storm, there is a scene that clearly shows women nude in a fountain. It wouldn't surprise me if Intolerance had nudity as well.

All The Movies I Have Seen -


There is may be brief nudity in Intolerance, a girl in a fountain, but I don't have a high quality still of this to confirm.

As far as I know, Griffith had this made after most of the film was completed. It was shot in a hotel room in NY, without Griffith present.

My movie ratings:


Alpha? It's not worth it. Get a better version. And, yes, as another reply said, there is nudity.

"The cinéma is an invention without a future," said Louis Lumière.


Which version would you recommend?

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”


Kino, Image Entertainment, or Eureka. And that goes for about any silent film they carry.

"The cinéma is an invention without a future," said Louis Lumière.


Another still with nudity:

EDIT: it turns out I was wrong. I found a still of this in a book, and they are clearly wearing clothing.

My movie ratings:



There was quite a lot of nudity in Intolerance. As well as realistic violence and gore (some lovely decapitations) and excellent special effects, particularly during the fall of Babylon to Cyrus.

Any modern movie lover will be right at home with this one.



Yes, in the scene with the Babylonian virgins belonging to the King, they are wearing see-through fabric that clearly reveals their anatomy (mostly breasts, and some nice ones too).

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


Wikipedia credits the IMDB trivia page with this note, although I don't see it on the trivia page itself:

Cameraman Karl Brown remembered a scene with the various members of the Babylonian harem that featured full frontal nudity. He was barred from the set that day, apparently because he was so young. While there are several shots of slaves and harem girls throughout the film (which were shot by another director without Griffith's involvement), the scene that Brown describes is not in any surviving versions.

On the trivia page, I do see:

Joseph Henabery was hired to shoot some additional scenes of semi-nude slavegirls when the front office declared that the film needed "more sex".
