Did the child go back to the Mother?

If so I missed it.

Where was it?


The baby was returned after the father was cleared of the murdering the musketeer, which wasn't shown in the version aired by the TCM channel. You can find a complete summary at filmsite.org.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth


first-things-first says > The baby was returned after the father was cleared of the murder
There's nothing about that in the movie but I'd like to believe that's what happens too. They get their child back and, from then on, live happily ever after.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


I don't remember if Turner Classic Movies stated this version was edited or not. I can't remember what sent me to the website in the first place. Was the unsatisfactory ending or Mr. Osborne revealing the film's run time had been shortened.

A Black Astronaut Cyril, that's like killing a Unicorn...Archer


I thought the same thing watching the DVD of the Cohen Media Group version a while back. I remember the child getting returned to the parents in an earlier version I watched on YouTube but I couldn't understand why Cohen couldn't have included that scene in their version. It wasn't that long and it would've brought more closure to their version.

Was it really that difficult?


I just watched a 35mm film version - I think we were told it was from the Museum of Modern Art? - shown at the Somerville (MA) Theater, and it had the scene with the baby being returned to its parents.

EDIT: I've just read more threads here and I think it must be the Danish Film Institute version (since some such name was at the top of the restoration credits), which I saw described as the least complete version. But it did include this scene.
